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Cadence OrCAD Capture

Found one file extension association related to Cadence OrCAD Capture and 1 file format developed specifically for use with Cadence OrCAD Capture.

Platform, operating system:  Microsoft Windows icon Microsoft Windows

Go to: Cadence OrCAD Capture description

Developer: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

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Cadence OrCAD Capture picture

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. logoCadence OrCAD Capture

Developer / company: Cadence

Easy-to-use and powerful, Cadence OrCAD Capture is the most widely used schematic design solution, supporting both flat and hierarchal designs from the simplest to the most complex. Seamless bi-directional integration with OrCAD PCB Editor enables data synchronization and cross-probing/placing between the schematic and the board design. OrCAD Capture allows designers to back annotate layout changes, make gate/pin swaps, and change component names or values from board design to schematic using the feedback process. It also comes with a large library of schematic symbols and can export netlists in a wide variety of formats.

Cadence OrCAD Capture pictureCadence OrCAD Capture works with the following file extensions:

Note: You can click on any file extension link from the list below, to view its detailed information. The list of extensions used or otherwise associated with the application may not be complete, because many common file extensions on our website, such as jpg (pictures) or txt (text files), can be opened by a large number of applications, or are too general file format. However most, if not all directly associated file extensions should be listed with its appropriate program. Although its likely, that some file extensions may be missing from the list of associated file extensions with the application, yet they can be opened, be part of, or otherwise be associated with the program.

Cadence OrCAD Capture default file extension associations

bom file icon.bom

Comparison table of actions that Cadence OrCAD Capture can perform with its associated file type beta

This table might not contain all possible associated or supported file types or may contain incorrect data.
If you need more information please contact the developers of Cadence OrCAD Capture (Cadence Design Systems, Inc.), or check out their product website.

File type \ Action




















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