An afpub file is the extension that Affinity Publisher uses to save documents created within the software.
Software that open afpub file
AFPUB file extension - Affinity Publisher document
What is afpub file? How to open afpub files?
The .afpub file is primarily associated with Affinity Publisher, the desktop publishing software developed by Serif. It is the native file format for saving projects and documents created within Affinity Publisher.
The .afpub file encapsulates all elements of a publication project, including layout designs, text content, images, graphics, tables, and other elements placed on the pages. Thus, it is a comprehensive container for all the components that make up a document.
Afpub files store the visual layout and detailed settings, such as master pages, text styles, color profiles (including CMYK for print projects), transparency settings, and layer information. This ensures that the document can be accurately reproduced and edited within Affinity Publisher.
While .afpub files are primarily meant for use within Affinity Publisher, Serif has designed the software to be compatible with other file formats commonly used in desktop publishing and printing industries. This includes support for importing and exporting PDF, EPS, and Adobe InDesign files (via IDML format).
Updated: June 29, 2024
The default software associated to open afpub file:
Company or developer:
Serif Europe Ltd.
Affinity Publisher is a desktop publishing software developed by Serif, available for both macOS and Windows. It is part of the Affinity suite of creative applications, including Affinity Designer (for vector graphic design) and Affinity Photo (for photo editing). Affinity Publisher is designed to cater to professionals and enthusiasts involved in creating various types of printed and digital publications, such as books, magazines, brochures, posters, and more.
List of software applications associated to the .afpub file extension
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Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting afpub files.
Software that open afpub file - Affinity Publisher document
Programs supporting the exension afpub on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about Affinity Publisher for open afpub file action.