An aob file extension is related to the DVD Audio Object file format.

Detailed description

Software that open aob file

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AOB file extension - DVD Audio Object data

What is aob file? How to open aob files?

File type specification:

Audio and sound file type icon Audio and sound file type

The aob file extension is related to Audio Object files.

An aob file stores audio data on DVD-Audio discs in an MPEG format.

It contains Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM) data stored in the AUDIO_TS folder.

Updated: January 20, 2025

The default software associated to open aob file:

Corel WinDVD icon

Corel Corporation logoCorel WinDVD  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Corel Corporation

WinDVD is multimedia player for Microsoft Windows that supports playback of DVD, DVD HD and Blu-ray movie discs as well as other video and audio file formats.

Cyberlink PowerDVD icon

CyberLink Corp. logoCyberlink PowerDVD  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
CyberLink Corp.

PowerDVD is popular commercial multimedia player very often bundled with new computers, laptops, graphic cards and DVD drives. It is also available as stand alone version. PowerDVD supports variety of video and audio formats, such as DVD-video, DVD-audio, VCD, SVCD, AVI, DivX, XviD etc.. PowerDVD provides many settings to specify, such as image ratio, snapshots, audio channel etc.

Help how to open:

Media players like VLC should be able to playback the data from *.aob files.

How to convert:

Use compatible tools to export *.aob files to other formats.

List of recommended software applications associated to the .aob file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open aob file, edit aob file, convert aob file, view aob file, play aob file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

aob file players - programs that can play aob file - DVD Audio Object data

Programs supporting the exension aob on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for play aob file action.

Microsoft Windows:

Main software associated with aob file by default:
Corel WinDVD small icon Corel WinDVD
Cyberlink PowerDVD small icon Cyberlink PowerDVD
Other suggested software:
VLC media player small icon VLC media player

Apple macOS / Mac OS X:

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