Files with bik extension can be most often encountered as video files encoded using the special Bink and Smacker codec. Typically encountered in older computer games.
Software that open bik file
BIK file extension - BINK video
What is bik file? How to open bik files?
File extension bik is used for files created by Bink and Smacker game video file codec. Its used by great number of games. A free viewer is available at the RAD Game Tools site.
Bink is video codec - it compresses at higher quality than DVD at up to three times the playback speed! Bink uses up to 16 MB less memory at runtime than other codecs. It has been licensed for over 3,800 games since 1999.
Bink is a hybrid block-transform and wavelet codec that can encode your video using 16 different compression techniques (wavelet, DCT, motion compensation, a variety of vector quantizers, Smacker-style, etc). With all of these techniques in one codec, Bink can handle any type of video.
Updated: January 20, 2025
The default software associated to open bik file:
Company or developer:
RAD Game Tools, Inc.
A set of tools for Bink format, the RAD Video Tools give you everything you need to create, use, and distribute Bink and Smacker video files! They include the compressors, sound mixers, players, and general graphics and sound converters.
List of software applications associated to the .bik file extension
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Software that open bik file - BINK video
Programs supporting the exension bik on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about The RAD Video Tools for open bik file action.