Files with blue extension are used for EVE Online computer game.
Software that open blue file
BLUE file extension - EVE Online texture file
What is blue file? How to open blue files?
File type specification:
The blue file extension is associated with EVE Online which is host to the largest virtual universe in the world, and is the fastest-growing Massively Multi-Player Online Game (MMPOG) of the genre.
The default software associated to open blue file:
Company or developer:
EVE Online is Sci-fi MMORPG computer game for Windows, Mac and Linux.
EVE takes place in a cluster of stars far from mankind’s original habitat, planet Earth. How far away, and whether or not that cradle of civilization still exists, is a mystery. Humans arrived through a natural wormhole and, gazing up upon an alien sky they had never seen, were completely unable to determine where this new world was located. From the New Eden solar system, where the gate of EVE once led to the old world, humans expanded in all directions at a furious pace, exploring and colonizing rapidly.
List of recommended software applications associated to the .blue file extension
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open blue file, edit blue file, convert blue file, view blue file, play blue file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).
Unspecified and all other actions for computer programs working with blue file - EVE Online texture file
Click on the software link for more information about Eve Online. Eve Online uses blue file type for its internal purposes and/or also by different way than common edit or open file actions (eg. to install/execute/support an application itself, to store application or user data, configure program etc.).