A brushcategory file extension is related to the Corel Painter and used for its brush category files.
Software that open brushcategory file
BRUSHCATEGORY file extension - Corel Painter brush category data
What is brushcategory file? How to open brushcategory files?
File type specification:
The brushcategory file extension is associated with the Corel Painter, a raster-based graphics editing tool for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X (macOS) operating systems.
The brushcategory file stores brushes specifications and settings.
The default software associated to open brushcategory file:
Company or developer:
Corel Corporation
Corel Painter is a raster graphic editor and illustrator that combines inventive drawing tools, Natural-Media brushes, image cloning capabilities and virtually unlimited customization options to one truly powerful digital art application.
Company or developer:
Corel Corporation
Corel Painter for Mac is a raster-based digital art application created to simulate as accurately as possible the appearance and behavior of traditional media associated with drawing, painting, and printmaking. Latest version is 2015.
List of recommended software applications associated to the .brushcategory file extension
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open brushcategory file, edit brushcategory file, convert brushcategory file, view brushcategory file, play brushcategory file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database).
Settings file type for software that use brushcategory file - Corel Painter brush category data
Programs supporting the exension brushcategory on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for settings brushcategory file action.