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Conversion of 015 file format to 005 file format beta

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Find a software converter able to convert 015 files to 005 files.

You cannot convert individual pieces of split compressed archives, which would be exactly what 015 to 005 conversion would be. The only thing you can do is to gather all the pieces and decompress the whole archive, otherwise this conversion does not make much sense.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open 015 file, Open 005 file


A 015 file extension is related to the split file or compressed file from a multi-volume archive (part 15).

A 015 file extension is related to the Winfunktion Mathematik software. A 015 file contains julia fractal.


Files with 005 file extension used by variety compression tools, such as 7-zip, WinRAR for multi-volume archives. A .005 file indicates the fifth part of the archive. You need all parts of the split archive to successfully extract all its contents.

An 005 file extension is used for split archives or backup files, created by the HJSplit, WellTek, Joiner & Splitter, SplitJoin and others.

Files with 005 file extension can also be found as navigation charts in  International S-57 Hydrographic data format.

A 005 file extension is related to the Winfunktion Mathematic and used for its julia fractal files.


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