We have found 6 software records in our database eligible for .3ga to .wma file format conversion.
3GA media container is the same as 3GP, but 3GA file extension identifies only audio content stored in it.
If you rename 3GA to 3GP, you will be able to transcode your .3ga audio with much more converters that can convert (recognize) only 3GP files. Some good software picks capable of 3gp to wma conversion are listed below.
Files with 3ga extension are audio files stored in 3GPP multimedia file format. 3GPP file format was developed for 3G and UMTS mobile networks multimedia services. 3GPP is supported by variety of mobile producers, such as Nokia, Samsung etc. 3GA file extension identifies only audio stream stored in 3GPP multimedia container. Audio stream can use AMR-NB, AMR-WB, AMR-WB+, AAC-LC, HE-AAC v1 or Enhanced aacPlus (HE-AAC v2) audio codecs.
Files with wma extension are audio files in Advanced Systems Format (advanced Streaming Format, Active Streaming Format), which is multimedia container format sed to store multimedia data. A wma file stores audio in Advanced Systems Format container and compressed by Windows Media Audio (WMA) codec.