In almost any scenario ai to cdr conversion relates to the transformation of Adobe Illustrator graphics to CorelDraw.
CorelDraw supports Adobe Illustrator .ai graphics files and users can use it to both import and export it to CDR format. Which means that it should be pretty easy to open and import .ai graphics and simply save it as Corel .cdr file format using the File ► Save as.. function.
Different versions of AI and CDR format exists, for the best results we recommend to use latest versions of CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator. Older versions of CorelDraw have limited support for newer versions of Adobe Illustrator file format and supported only older versions of this graphic format.
- You can likely achieve ai to cdr conversion also through conversion to EPS file format. Save your Illustrator artwork or graphic document to .eps file format and then open this eps exported file in CorelDraw. It should work. Make sure to convert all text objects to curves.
- Second choice would be to export from Illustrator as .wmf vector files (Windows Meta File Format). Then use CorelDraw to import the the .wmf file with everything intact, except for filters.
- Third method is to create a print-ready PDF document and import it to CorelDraw. You should convert the text to outlines and uncheck the "embed font" option.
- 4th conversion option will depend on what versions of Corel and Illustrator you have, but in CorelDraw you can easily go to Import function and select PS Interpreted and select the Adobe Illustrator's .ai file type.
Note that you might need to know what the versions of your Illustrator files are and what .ai versions your current version of Corel supports. You may need to resave the files to some previous version in order to open them in certain version of the program.
Some other programs dealing with vector formats may also support both AI as well as CDR format. However, they offen support only some older variants of them and not the latest function.