Possible software with support for converting of ai files to dts file format.
Unfortunately, we do not know about any useful or even possible ai to dts conversion at this time. It might be however, that you were in fact looking for a way to transform Adobe Illustrator graphics (.ai files) into Tajima embroidery designs which actually use .dst and not .dts files. If that is the case, please check out the ai to dst conversion entry.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
This conversion entry was verified by us and conversion from ai to dts was flagged as wrong or not possible.
Usually this happens when the conversion would try to convert different types of data between each other, such as audio to image, or it can't be done because incompatibility between programs, caused by closed file formats, very limited support or by other problems.
If you find entry that you feel is flagged as bad wrongly, please tell us in the discussion form below with as much as information as possible so we can fix it.
Additional links: Open ai file, Open dts file
An ai file extension is associated with Adobe Illustrator and used for vector graphic file created in the program. CorelDraw is also able import and work with ai file.
Files with ai file extension might also be found as some sort of database from Progress programs.
An ai file extension is related to the Mopac Internal chemical modeller output file format.
An ai file extension is related to the AIwin and used for its project files.
An ai file extension is related to the Rise of Nations computer game. An ai file stores game data.
Files with dts extension are transfer packages saved in the Data Transformation Services package file format.
A dts file extension is related to the Device Tree Specification, a data format used to describe hardware.
A dts file extension is associated with the Digital Surround audio file format.
A dts file extension is related to the iSite Enterprise and used for its medical images.
A dts file extension is associated with the Directory Toolkit and used for its script files.
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