What is the best converter used for converting Android APK format to ASEC file format.
The only how how to make proper encrypted Android packages (.asec) out of ordinary Android packages (.apk) is to install Android SDK tools and use these to encrypt the packages.
On some phones it is also possible to simply download the APK package on your smartphone to the SD card, which should also change the format from APK to ASEC, but overall some kind of apk to asec converter is unlikely to exist.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open apk file, Open asec file
An apk file extension is used for Google Android application packages for Android-based devices. apk files are renamed zip files used to install Android smartphone and tablet apps.
Files with apk file extension were also found in older GameSpy Arcade service for multiplayer gaming.
Files with apk file extension might also be found as projects from Active Tutor authoring tool by 4C Soft.
An apk file extension is related to the Microsoft Train Simulator and used for its packaged activity files. An apk files also uses Quake 2 first person action shooter computer game.
Files with apk file extension may also be application packages for Asustor ADM operating system. Not to be confused with Android files.
Files with asec extension are used for Android encrypted application packages. ASEC file format was introduced in Android 2.2 and allows users to move applications on the SD card installed in their Android phone in encrypted format.
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