Home > Search converters: asl to grd

Conversion of asl file format to grd file format beta

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Convert Adobe Photoshop layer style to Adobe Photoshop gradient preset.

We have found 2 software records in our database eligible for .asl to .grd file format conversion.

Both .asl and .grd files are used in Photoshop as tools for altering images (layers, gradients etc.), but direct conversion between these is highly unlikely. At best you can apply both styles to existing or new pictures, but direct asl to grd conversion most likely doesn't work.

This conversion entry was verified by us and conversion was flagged as wrong or not possible.
Usually this happens when the conversion would try to convert different types of data between each other, such as audio to image, or it is not possible because incompatibility between programs, caused by closed file formats, very limited support etc.

If you find entry that you feel is flagged as bad wrongly, please tell us in the discussion below with as much as information as possible so we can fix it.

Microsoft Windows software Microsoft Windows icon - convert asl to grd on Windows

Adobe Photoshop icon Adobe Photoshop

The premier software for graphic design, photo editing, and digital art creation.

File extension









Convert from asl file

NoYesYesasl editorYesNoNoNo

to grd file

NoYesYesgrd editorYesNoNoNo

The tables with software actions are a good pointer for what a certain program does with various file types and often may give users a good hint how to perform certain file conversion, for example the above-mentioned asl to grd. However, it is not perfect and sometimes can show results which are not really usable because of how certain programs work with files and the possible conversion is thus actually not possible at all.

Apple macOS / Mac OS X software Apple macOS / Mac OS X icon - convert asl to grd on macOS

Adobe Photoshop for Mac icon Adobe Photoshop for Mac

Mac version of popular digital image editor

File extension














Additional links: Open asl file, Open grd file


Files with asl extension can be typically found as layer styles for Adobe Photoshop graphics editor. May contain effects like border shadows, color overlay and more.


Files with grd extension can be found as gradient layer style or set of styles used by Adobe Photoshop or in the past by Adobe Image Ready software.


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