asm to xml conversion seems to be related to some kind of game modding procedure for Saints Row computer game and a tool called Gibbed.SaintsRow3.ConvertASM.exe. Unfortunately no specifics or useful information about the purpose or use of this conversion could be found, but everything points to the fact that it is doable.
Home > Search converters: asm to xml
Conversion of asm file format to xml file format beta
Search for asm to xml converter or software able to handle these file types.
Convert Solid Edge assembly data to XML document.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database that match this conversion.
Additional links: asm file extension details, xml file extension details
Files with asm file extension may be also found a model assembly data from Solid Edge 3D and several other 3D modeling / CAD software.
An XML file extension is commonly used for files written in Extensible Markup Language. An XML file is used in various areas of the computer industry, and many program languages are just derivatives of XML. These XML files can be opened and edited in any text editor or IDE.
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