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Conversion of azw file format to docx file format beta

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azw to docx conversion is usually searched by users that are looking for a way to export Amazon Kindle ebook (.azw) to Microsoft Word document format (.doc or .docx), something that can be achieved, but only for ebooks that are not DRM protected. Usually done via export first to EPUB or MOBI and than to DOC/DOCX though.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open azw file, Open docx file


Files with azw file extension can be found as one of the most common e-book format for Amazon Kindle. These files are typically protected by Digital Right Management.


Files with docx extension are documents written and saved using Microsoft Word word processor edition 2007 or later. DOCX format replaced the previously used DOC format, moving from binary files to Open XML schema-based documents. They are supported in almost every modern word-processing tools.


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