Converter utilities capable of cat file to iges format conversion.
In most cases users looking for a way how to convert cat to iges are actually searching for CATIA to IGES conversion, which is covered under CATpart to igs conversion actually.
It might also be possible that this is actually a typo of cad, which might be just a generic query how to turn CAD files to IGES format.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open cat file, Open iges file
Files with cat extension can be mainly found as security catalog files used in various versions of Microsoft Windows.
Files with cat file extension can also be found as logical packages for IBM's Rational Rose UML tool.
A cat file extension is related to video game called Catz. A .cat file contains cat description.
A cat file extension is related to the dBASE, a relational database management system. A cat file stores backup catalog.
A cat file extension is related to the Advanced Disk Catalog. A .cat file stores database.
Files with igs extension can be typically found as 3D graphics data saved in International Graphics Exchange Standard (IGES) format used for data exchange.
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