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Conversion of cbr file format to png file format beta

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Possible software with support for converting of cbr files to png file format.

Comicbook archives (.cbr for example) are renamed RAR archives that usually contain a sequenced of pictures in JPEG format.

If you want to convert these pictures to PNG format, simple decompress the .cbr archive and convert the .jpg pictures to .png. This can be done using almost any graphics editor.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open cbr file, Open png file


Files with cbr file extension is used for a popular comic e-book format. CBR is basically a rar file that contains several images (usually JPGs) that can opened in comic books viewer as a sequence of screens.


Files with png extensions are commonly used for Portable Network Graphic files. PNG is a bitmap image mainly used on web pages.

A png file extension is related to the Corel PaintShop Pro and used for its browser catalogue files.

A png file extension is related to the Adobe Fireworks. A png file stores Firework's PNGs are based on the Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format, but contain additional proprietary metadata.


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