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Conversion of cfm file format to pd file format beta

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Templates, such as .cfm files from Adobe ColdFusion, are used for making new content based on the predefined settings. Such content may then be exported as PDF, or perpahs PostScript documents with the original program. It is unlikely you can find 3rd party app that would be otherwise capable of cfm to pd conversion, so using ColdFusion is likely your only viable option.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open cfm file, Open pd file


Files with cfm extension are mainly related to Adobe ColdFusion rapid application development platform. These files are main templates for the program.

Files with cfm file extension might also be found as saved customer forms from Visual dBASE database engine for Microsoft Windows.

The cfm file extension is related to the CorelDRAW a vector graphics editor. The cfm file stores font master.


A pd file extension is related to the Corel Paradox a database management system and used for its table files.

A pd file extension is related to the FlexiSIGN version 5 and used for its plotter document files.

A pd file extension is related to the PipeDream applications suite for Cambridge Computer Z88 and used for its document files.

A pd file extension is related to the Pure Data a programming language. A pd file stores patchfile data.

A pd file extension is related to the Perl Data Language. A pd file stores preprocessor data.


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