Conversion of CRYPT files to TEXT. Converting CRYPT to TEXT. CRYPT to TEXT converters.
You can use programs and websites like Whatsapp Xtract or WhatCrypt tools to export the chat backups from WhatsApp Messanger (.crypt files) and save them as in a HTML form which when viewed using a web browser will look exactly like your WhatsApp (crypt to html conversion).
When you have opened it in a browser, you can select any line, or even whole page and Copy + Paste it to Notepad or other text editor and save it as TXT. You can of course also open the .html file using a text editor, but it will be heavily formatted and will contain HTML tags.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open crypt file, Open text file
Files with crypt extension are most likely best known as chat history backups made from WhatsApp messaging app.
Files with crypt file extension may also be found as encrypted and renamed archives affected by the "Scatter" ransomware.
Files with text extension are commonly used for various text files that can be read with any text editor.
Files with text extension is used by Markdown markup language.
A text file extension is associated with the yBook and used for its text files.
A gdl file extension is related to the ArchiCAD, a CAD solution and used for its Geometric Description Language.
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