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Conversion of dba file format to dbo file format beta

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Conversion of DBA databases to DBO format. DBA to DBO database converters.

It might by possible to convert some DBA databases to DBO format, however no such conversion is known to us.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open dba file, Open dbo file


Files with dba file extension are also related to the Turbo Prolog, a programming software.

A dba file extension is associated with the DarkBASIC development tool. A dba file stores source code.

A dba file extension is related to the Palm Desktop for Windows. A dba file stores some kind of data.

Files with dba file extension are related to CryENGINE animation database format developed by CRYTEK.

A file suffix dba is related to the Steinberg WaveLab audio database format.


Files with dbo file extension can be found as compiled programs from old dBase IV database program.

A dbo file extension is related to the DB/TextWorks database directory format.

Files with dbo file extension might also be found as source code from DarkBASIC game development software.


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