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Conversion of dcm file format to abs file format beta

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Conversion of DCM imaes to ABS format. DCM to ABS image converters.

Whist there is plenty of both DCM and ABS file types, one possible dcm to abs conversion presents itself in conversion of DCM medicine images to ABS image format. Probably can be done in some graphics editor.

For other DCM and ABS file types, there is probably no way of converting them between each other.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.

This conversion entry was verified by us and conversion from dcm to abs was flagged as wrong or not possible.
Usually this happens when the conversion would try to convert different types of data between each other, such as audio to image, or it can't be done because incompatibility between programs, caused by closed file formats, very limited support or by other problems.

If you find entry that you feel is flagged as bad wrongly, please tell us in the discussion form below with as much as information as possible so we can fix it.


Additional links: Open dcm file, Open abs file


Files with dcm extension can be commonly found as special bitmap images used in medicine (DICOM), for purposes of storing special imaging data like utrasounds, CT scans etc.

Files with dcm file extension might also be old audio files. Obsolete file format.

A dcm file extension is associated with the Disk Communicator, an emulator of Atari computers. A dcm file contains disk image.

A dcm file extension is related to the DiskCatalogMaker and used for its database files.


Files with abs extension can be found as special DWARF debugging data generated using the GNU C Compiler.

An abs file extension is related to abstract - info files. It contains various information often i simple text file format.

An abs file extension is related to the Abscissa software for creating 2D plots. An abs file stores some kind of data used by Abscissa.

Files with abs file extension can also be found as databases from the Absolute Database engine.

An abs file extension is related to Atari Jaguar video gaming console. An abs file stores output from ALN Linker (executable file).


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