Software that can be used for conversion of deb file type to apk format.
You can most likely find no converter for Android installation packages (.apk) to Debian packages (.deb), simply because they are two different platforms.
However, you can find plenty of Android emulators for Linux that will allow you to install and run Android apps on your Linux computer.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
This conversion entry was verified by us and conversion from deb to apk was flagged as wrong or not possible.
Usually this happens when the conversion would try to convert different types of data between each other, such as audio to image, or it can't be done because incompatibility between programs, caused by closed file formats, very limited support or by other problems.
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Additional links: Open deb file, Open apk file
Files with deb extension can be mainly found as Debian distribution packages - compressed archives for Debian Linux operating system. Some archiving utilities, such as 7-zip, are also able to extract the content of DEB packages.
The deb file extension is related to application installation package used by Cydia an alternative app store for Apple iPhone.
A deb file extension is related to the MS Debug program. A deb file contains debug script.
An apk file extension is used for Google Android application packages for Android-based devices. apk files are renamed zip files used to install Android smartphone and tablet apps.
Files with apk file extension were also found in older GameSpy Arcade service for multiplayer gaming.
Files with apk file extension might also be found as projects from Active Tutor authoring tool by 4C Soft.
An apk file extension is related to the Microsoft Train Simulator and used for its packaged activity files. An apk files also uses Quake 2 first person action shooter computer game.
Files with apk file extension may also be application packages for Asustor ADM operating system. Not to be confused with Android files.
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