Check out some options how dem files might be converted to mov format.
dem to mov conversion is actually not multimedia conversion, but export of rendered DEM geospatial data to a video. This can be done with any tools that support DEM format and export to video, but the options for this kind of export will always be a bit limited.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open dem file, Open mov file
Files with dem file extension are typically found as demo files recorded by various computer games (DOTA 2, Counter Strike, Quake, Hexen, Unreal Tournament etc.).
Files with dem extension can be found as Digital Elevation Model maps used in some mapping, surveying and navigation programs.
A dem file extension is related to the Creator Simulator, an original fault simulator. A dem file contains some kind of temporary data.
A dem file extension is related to the Demetra+ software developed by Eurostat and National bank of Belgium. A .dem file stores automated project files.
Files with dem file extension can also be found as embroideries for Melco stitching and sewing machines.
Files with mov extension can be found as digital movies and multimedia files format for QuickTime from Apple. MOV file format is a multimedia container format that can store one or more tracks of data such as video, audio, text, and effects.
Files with mov file suffix are also used by AutoCAD AutoFlix for its movies.
A mov file extension is related to the ROSE, an MMORPG video game. A mov file stores game data.
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