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Conversion of dw2 file format to dwg file format beta

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Convert DesignCAD drawing to AutoCAD drawing.

We have found one software suitable in our database for this conversion.

DW2 files are actually drawings / designs saved using the DesignCAD software and as far as we know, this is the only software that can open/import these files, which severely limites any attempts to dw2 to dwg conversion. Maybe other software from the same company can work with .dw2 too (TurboCAD), but we have not found any specific information about such export.

If you struggle with export of your .dw2 files, perhaps it is best to contact their support for assistance.

Microsoft Windows software Microsoft Windows icon - convert dw2 to dwg on Windows


A 2D graphic CAD program from IMSI

File extension









Convert from dw2 file

NoYesYesdw2 editorYesNoNoNo

to dwg file


The table with program actions contains information about what each program is capable of doing with their files. This may be a good pointer for further searches for certain file conversions and help you find the converter you are looking for if our search result is insufficient for you. However, it is far from perfect and may sometimes show results which are not really usable because of the nature of the software handles the files. So a conversion that appears as possible, just because of matched actions, may in fact not be possible.


Additional links: Open dw2 file, Open dwg file


Files with dw2 file extension can be found as old CAD drawings made in DesignCAD program.


Files with dwg extension are used for the original CAD format originally introduced in Autodesk AutoCAD. The latest version of DWG format is usuaually proprietary and can only be created in AutoCAD. Other CAD programs can usually import it but not create its proprietary form. Because of this, DWGs are often exported to DXF interchange format so that they can be seamlessly used in other CAD programs.


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