Possible software with support for converting of eprt files to dxf file format.
eDrawings files, like the .eprt files (parts) are not meant to be converted or further edited, which means that the options for eprt to dxf conversion are limited. These files are generated as a publishing and sharing format, similar in purpose to PDF format. As such, there is no program that could converted to something else, you would need the original CAD file (most likely .sldprt) if you are trying to convert it something else like DWG.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open eprt file, Open dxf file
Files with eprt file extension can be found as non-editable version of mechanical part drawing made using the in SolidWorks eDrawings.
Files with dxf extension can be typically found as 2D CAD drawings saved in the Drawing Exchange Format, a common format for exchange of engineering drawings.
Files with dxf extension were associated with Micrografx Picture Publisher. Now this project is discontinued.
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