Find a software converter able to convert eprt files to igs files.
It is extremely unlikely that .eprt files can be converted or exported to anything else (for example IGS format), because these files are CAD files from SolidWorks eDrawings exported as publishing only without the option to edit them. If you need to export the model, you will have to obtain the original from which the .eprt file has been created in first place. No direct eprt to igs conversion is most likely possible.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open eprt file, Open igs file
Files with eprt file extension can be found as non-editable version of mechanical part drawing made using the in SolidWorks eDrawings.
Files with igs extension can be found as 3D graphics models saved in International Graphics Exchange Standard (IGES) format used for data exchange.
Files with igs file suffix are related to the Indigo Renderer scene format.
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