We have found one software suitable in our database for this conversion.
It is impossible to convert Safari .webarchives as .pdf documents with some converter. However, you can open the .webarchive file in the Safari web browser and export / print it as a PDF document. You can download Safari for free from Apple's websites.
This will create a .pdf file containing the opened webpage, including pictures and other elements, as a document, essentially converting a web archive to a PDF.
Updated: August 21, 2024
Files with webarchive extension are webpage archives that were saved using Safari web browser which uses webarchives to store saved complete web pages including multimedia content, such as videos, sounds, pictures etc for later viewing without connection to Internet.
A pdf file extension is mainly used for Adobe Portable document format, commonly referred to as PDF. All programs that create some sort of documents or projects offer the possibility to export their format to PDF format. A free PDF viewer (Adobe Reader) is available for download from Adobe website.