Find a software converter able to convert zip files to xap files.
You generally cannot convert ZIP archives to XAP format, simply because .xap files are already renamed .zip files.
However, some Windows Phone packages (.xap) can be distributed as .zip files. In these cases, you will just need to extract the content, no conversion is required.
Also some server downloads change the extension from xap to zip, if that happens you just need to rename the extension back, but otherwise we do not have any information about possible zip to xap conversion.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open zip file, Open xap file
Files with zip is associated with the WinZip compression tool. ZIP file is compressed archive container that contains archived files, compressed in ZIP compression format. Common archive format that can be extracted with any archiving tool.
Files with zip file extension are also used for theme packs made in Stardock ObjectBar program. Most likely standard ZIP.
A zip file extension is related to various computer games and used for its game resource data files.
A zip file extension is related to the Oolite video game and used for its expansion packs.
Files with xap file extension are mainly related to Windows Phone apps and Microsoft Silverlight installation resource files. Used for Silverlight apps.
Files with xap extension are used by Microsoft XACT program for one of its default file types. It is a document project saved in a text file format.
Files with xap file extension might also be potentially found as old scripts for Xbox 360 video console. Not related to later Silverlight or XACT packages.
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