A file with the .database_uuid extension typically represents a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) associated with a database. This file is often used in database management systems or software to uniquely identify a particular database instance. Depending on the system, the presence of this file might serve various purposes.

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Software that open database_uuid file

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DATABASE_UUID file extension - UUIDs are numbers used to uniquely identify objects on a computer system

What is database_uuid file? How to open database_uuid files?

File type specification:

Text file type icon Text file type

Database file type icon Database file type

File with the .database_uuid extension typically represents a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) associated with a database. Database management systems or software often use this file to identify a particular database instance uniquely. The presence of this file might serve various purposes depending on the system:

Common use cases for .database_uuid files:

  1. Database identification:

    The file contains a unique identifier (UUID) for the database. This UUID can ensure that the database instance is distinguishable from others, especially in distributed systems or multi-database environments.
  2. Replication and synchronization:

    In setups involving database replication or synchronization, the .database_uuid file can help systems track and manage which databases are involved and ensure consistency.
  3. Backup and restore processes:

    The UUID stored in this file might be used during backup and restoration processes to ensure that the restored database is correctly matched to its unique identifier.
  4. Distributed Systems:

    Systems like Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, or other NoSQL databases might generate such files as part of their architecture to identify nodes or instances within the distributed system uniquely.
  5. Application configuration:

    Applications interacting with the database might use this file to verify the database's identity before establishing a connection.

Contents of .database_uuid files:

Typically, the file will contain:

  • A string of characters formatted as a UUID (e.g., 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000).
  • Metadata about the UUID (rarely).

How to handle .database_uuid files:

  • Do not delete: Deleting this file might cause errors in database systems that rely on it for identification.
  • Backup: Include this file when creating backups of the database.
  • Read-only nature: These files are usually not meant to be edited manually. The database system manages them.

Systems that might use .database_uuid files:

  • Relational Databases: Certain database configurations in MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.
  • NoSQL Databases: Systems like MongoDB, CouchDB, or Cassandra.
  • Custom Applications: Proprietary applications that rely on UUIDs for database management.

If you're encountering a .database_uuid file, it’s best to refer to the documentation of the specific database system or software you use for more detailed information about its purpose.

They are often found as hidden files on Android devices with thumbnail folders and their generation.

Updated: December 25, 2024

Help how to open:

It can be opened in any text editor.

How to convert:

As far as we know, this .database_uuid file type can't be converted to any other file format. This is usually the case of system, configuration, temporary, or data files containing data exclusive to only one software and used for its own purposes. Also some proprietary or closed file formats cannot be converted to more common file types in order to protect the intellectual property of the developer, which is for example the case of some DRM-protected multimedia files.

List of software applications associated to the .database_uuid file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
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Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting database_uuid files.

Software that open database_uuid file - UUIDs are numbers used to uniquely identify objects on a computer system

Programs supporting the exension database_uuid on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about NotePad++ text editor for open database_uuid file action.

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