There are 9 other file types using
the DLM file extension!

empty icon.dlm - FileMaker Pro data

empty icon.dlm - Akamai Download Manager data

dlm icon.dlm - Adobe Download Manager partial download

empty icon.dlm - Microsoft File Transfer Manager partial download

empty icon.dlm - Jannersten bridge hand data

empty icon.dlm - Dynamic Link module

empty icon.dlm - Dmailer encrypted data

empty icon.dlm - Synology Download Station search module

empty icon.dlm - Dir Logo Maker picture image

DLM file extension - 3ds Max plugin

What is dlm file? How to open dlm files?

File type specification:

Plugin, addon file type icon Plugin, addon file type

dlm file icon: dlm filetype icon

The dlm file extension is also used for a special DLL modified files for 3ds Max (3D Studio Max), a 3D modeling and rendering tool.

Used as plugins to modify existing DLLs to change or improve existing features.

The default software associated to open dlm file:

3ds Max (3D Studio Max) icon

Autodesk, Inc. logo3ds Max (3D Studio Max)  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Autodesk, Inc.

A popular 3D animation software, 3ds Max (previously known as 3D Studio Max) is used to model, animate, and render detailed 3D characters, photorealistic designs, and complex scenes for film and TV, games, and design visualization projects.

Help how to open:

You can import these to 3D Studio Max. It should be visible in modifier list.

How to convert:

Conversion to other formats is impossible.

Find conversions from dlm file:

dlm to max

dlm to mli

List of recommended software applications associated to the .dlm file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open dlm file, edit dlm file, convert dlm file, view dlm file, play dlm file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Software that import dlm file - 3ds Max plugin

Programs supporting the exension dlm on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about 3ds Max (3D Studio Max) for import dlm file action.

Microsoft Windows:

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