There are 8 other file types using
the DSF file extension!

empty icon.dsf - Delusion/XTracker digital sample

dsf icon.dsf - Micrografx Designer 6/7 graphic file

empty icon.dsf - Microsoft Belief Network document

empty icon.dsf - PC-TRUST signed document

empty icon.dsf - Borland C++ or Turbo Pascal project desktop settings

empty icon.dsf - DataCAD double precision symbol file with layers

empty icon.dsf - Vicon CCTV video recording

empty icon.dsf - Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format

DSF file extension - DAZ Studio 3D graphics

What is dsf file? How to open dsf files?

File type specification:

3d graphics, CAD-CAM-CAE file type icon 3d graphics, CAD-CAM-CAE file type

File extension dsf is mainly associated with the DAZ Studio a 3D modeling tool for Windows and Mac.

DSF format enables the transfer of the intelligent 3D content described above and provides a simpler format for exchange between applications that implement the DAZ 3D content engine. It is lightweight, easy to transfer, and provides a human-readable format for sharing scene information using an asset referencing scheme.

The default software associated to open dsf file:

DAZ Studio icon

DAZ 3D Inc. logoDAZ Studio  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
DAZ 3D Inc.

DAZ Studio is 3D animation tool used to create high quality digital images, unique digital arts and animation with virtual people, animals, props, vehicles, backgrounds etc.

DAZ Studio for Mac picture or screenshot

DAZ 3D Inc. logoDAZ Studio for Mac  Apple macOS / Mac OS X software

Company or developer:
DAZ 3D Inc.

DAZ Studio for Mac is modeling tool used to create 3D digital arts and 3D animations. It is able to create 3D models as representations of people, places etc.

Help how to open:

You can work with these files in DAZ Studio. Some other 3D graphics format may also support import of DSF format, it may require a plugin though.

How to convert:

It is likely that DAZ Studio supports export to more than one 3D formats, so you should be able to export DSF files to something else.

Find conversions from dsf file:

dsf to bmp

dsf to dsd

dsf to flac

dsf to mp3

dsf to obj

dsf to pdf

dsf to wav

Find converter to dsf file type:

dae to dsf

emb to dsf

fbx to dsf

mp3 to dsf

obj to dsf

wav to dsf

wma to dsf

List of software applications associated to the .dsf file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open dsf file, edit dsf file, convert dsf file, view dsf file, play dsf file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting dsf files.

Software that open dsf file - DAZ Studio 3D graphics

Programs supporting the exension dsf on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open dsf file action.

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS / Mac OS X:

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