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Found one file extension association related to FreeDMG and 1 file format developed specifically for use with FreeDMG.
Platform, operating system: Apple macOS / Mac OS X
Go to: FreeDMG description
Developer: Kelley Computing
Developer / company: Kelley Computing
FreeDMG is one of the most powerful and easy to use disk imaging program available for Mac OS X. With this software it is possible to quickly perform disk imaging on the fly. Both the program's window, and the dock icon can be used for drag-and-drop imaging. There many image formats that that can be chosen (UDZO, UDCO, etc.). FreeDMG can make internet enabled disk images for distribution to Macs as well as ISO/Joliet hybrid images for cross-platform delivery. Verbose preferences, and a built-in log window help users hide/display additional information about the imaging process.
Gain easy access to the many options available for creating and manipulating disk images in Mac OS X with FreeDMG. From the "resize" function built into hdiutil to the adjustable compresion levels available for the UDZO format, this software attempts to unveil it all. Users have the option to overwrite exising files, and can choose to quit the program automatically after creating an image on launch. It is possible to encrypt images (password protect) with the click of a button.
FreeDMG is the easiest and most versatile way to attach html/rtf software license agreements to disk images. The license creation process in FreeDMG prevents character loss for all 2-byte languages.
FreeDMG icon
FreeDMG icon
size: 128px x 128px (.png with transparency)
FreeDMG works with the following file extensions:
Note: You can click on any file extension link from the list below, to view its detailed information. The list of extensions used or otherwise associated with the application may not be complete, because many common file extensions on our website, such as jpg (pictures) or txt (text files), can be opened by a large number of applications, or are too general file format. However most, if not all directly associated file extensions should be listed with its appropriate program. Although its likely, that some file extensions may be missing from the list of associated file extensions with the application, yet they can be opened, be part of, or otherwise be associated with the program.
FreeDMG default file extension associations
The most common file format used with the specific file extension
.dmg file extension is used for Apple Mac disk image
Common file extensions used by FreeDMG
Comparison table of actions that FreeDMG can perform with its associated file type beta
This table might not contain all possible associated or supported file types or may contain incorrect data.
If you need more information please contact the developers of FreeDMG (Kelley Computing), or check out their product website.
File type \ Action | Open | Save | Edit | View | Play | Convert | Create | Record | Import | Export | Burn | Extract | Recover | Backup | Settings | Other | |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Yes | - | - | - | - | - |