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Freedom Fighters
Found 2 file extension associations related to Freedom Fighters
Platform, operating system: Microsoft Windows
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Developer: Electronic Arts, Inc.
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Freedom Fighters
Developer / company: Electronic Arts
Take to the streets of New York City and fight for your freedom!
In a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War, a fierce conflict is unfolding in the streets of America. Taking on the role of Christopher Stone, players evolve from an average New Yorker into a fearless patriot who recruits and leads an army of freedom fighters in the streets of New York City. Freedom Fighters™ combines the depth of a squad-based game with the intensity of an action-packed war game that unfolds in the streets, subways, and buildings of the city.
With leadership comes great responsibility. The lives of your soldiers and the quest for American Freedom are held together by your courage, charisma, and leadership skills. Because wars are not won alone, a key component of the game depends on the player's ability to recruit and lead fellow New Yorkers in the battle against the Red Menace. An intuitive recruiting command system allows him to give orders to his fellow soldiers and execute critical missions at the touch of a single button.
Players will fight through the recognizable streets of NY with seamless urban fighting that takes place outside as well as indoors.
There are high rewards and penalties for wins and losses in Freedom Fighters. A charisma-based Recruiting System awards points for rescuing freedom fighters or capturing vital installations, allowing the player to recruit more men as well as providing an emotional tie to the fighters.
Your character and recruits engage the Red army with various types of single and two-handed weapons as well as unarmed combat martial arts maneuvers in their quest for freedom.
Freedom Fighters icon
Freedom Fighters icon
size: 128px x 128px (.png with transparency)
Freedom Fighters works with the following file extensions:
Note: You can click on any file extension link from the list below, to view its detailed information. The list of extensions used or otherwise associated with the application may not be complete, because many common file extensions on our website, such as jpg (pictures) or txt (text files), can be opened by a large number of applications, or are too general file format. However most, if not all directly associated file extensions should be listed with its appropriate program. Although its likely, that some file extensions may be missing from the list of associated file extensions with the application, yet they can be opened, be part of, or otherwise be associated with the program.
Comparison table of actions that Freedom Fighters can perform with each of its associated file type beta
This table might not contain all possible associated or supported file types or may contain incorrect data.
If you need more information please contact the developers of Freedom Fighters (Electronic Arts, Inc.), or check out their product website.