An fsscript file extension is related to the Microsoft Visual F#, an integrated development tool. An fsscript file contains script written in F#.

Detailed description

Software that open fsscript file

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FSSCRIPT file extension - Microsoft Visual Studio F# script

What is fsscript file? How to open fsscript files?

File type specification:

Source code and script file type icon Source code and script file type

fsscript file icon: fsscript filetype icon

The fsscript file extension is associated with Microsoft Visual F# (F SHarp) development software.

F# is a programming language that provides support for functional programming in addition to traditional object-oriented and imperative (procedural) programming. The Visual F# product provides support for developing F# applications and extending other .NET Framework applications by using F# code. F# is a first-class member of the .NET Framework languages and retains a strong resemblance to the ML family of functional languages.

The .fsscript files are similar to the .fs source code files created in this language with few extra capabilities. The .fssscript files are meant to be run with the "F# Interactive" mode in Visual Studio. They are used for executing scripted F# code rather than compiling it into a .dll or .exe file.

More common extension for the F# scripts the FSX file extension.

Updated: November 7, 2024

The default software associated to open fsscript file:

Microsoft Visual Studio icon

Microsoft Corporation logoMicrosoft Visual Studio  Multiplatform software

Company or developer:
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) used to create applications for Microsoft Windows as well as dynamic websites and web applications. Visual Studio is available for Windows and Mac.

Help how to open:

Use any of the Microsoft Visual Studio suites to work with .fsscript files.

How to convert:

Probably cannot be converted to anything else.

Related links:

About F Sharp programming language on Wikipedia

List of software applications associated to the .fsscript file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open fsscript file, edit fsscript file, convert fsscript file, view fsscript file, play fsscript file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting fsscript files.

Software that open fsscript file - Microsoft Visual Studio F# script

Programs supporting the exension fsscript on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open fsscript file action.

Apple macOS / Mac OS X:



Main software associated with fsscript file by default:
Microsoft Visual Studio small icon Microsoft Visual Studio
Other suggested software:
GNU Emacs small icon GNU Emacs

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