Files with hti file extension are reported to have been used by the Microsoft WinHelp platform for one of its data files.
Software that open hti file
HTI file extension - Microsoft Windows WinHelp related data
What is hti file? How to open hti files?
The hti file extension is mainly related to Microsoft WinHelp platform. Microsoft WinHelp is a proprietary format for online help files that can be displayed by the Microsoft Help browser.
Most likely one of the support files.
Updated: December 30, 2024
The default software associated to open hti file:
Company or developer:
Microsoft Corporation
A family of operating systems developed by Microsoft Corp. The first Windows was released in 1985 as a GUI add-on to MS-DOS. Currently, the latest version is Microsoft Windows 11.
List of recommended software applications associated to the .hti file extension
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open hti file, edit hti file, convert hti file, view hti file, play hti file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).
Unspecified and all other actions for computer programs working with hti file - Microsoft Windows WinHelp related data
Click on the software link for more information about Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Windows uses hti file type for its internal purposes and/or also by different way than common edit or open file actions (eg. to install/execute/support an application itself, to store application or user data, configure program etc.).