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Orchida Embroidery System
Found 8 file extension associations related to Orchida Embroidery System and 6 file formats developed specifically for use with Orchida Embroidery System.
Platform, operating system: Microsoft Windows
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Developer: Orchida Soft
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Orchida Embroidery System
Developer / company: Orchida Soft
Orchida Embroidery System offers you endless possibilities for creating unique embroidery with just a few clicks.
OES will assist you in generating embroidery designs directly from artwork. You can use clip art, photographs, scanned images or your own illustrations. Create lettering and symbols using a variety of True Type Fonts™ which are already available on your computer. Adjust and manipulate embroideries by selecting different stitch types, pattern options or outlines to add interest. You have the ability to arrange your embroidery designs any way you want.
OES can be used with a number of different embroidery machines as you can import/export embroideries in the most popular machine formats, including Tajima, Brother, ZSK, Barudan, Pfaff and Happy.
Use a variety of editing tools to adjust an existing embroidery design or use your own creations. Create your own Fill patterns or edit any of the present ones. Design personal motif stitches which can be used to outline or to fill portions of an embroidery design. Rearrange the stitching order of the design in the Filmstrip to suit your needs, or let the program automatically figure out the best stitching order.
OES is designed to create Embroideries and will directly communicate with any embroidery machine. You will not need any other Transfer Program, or any device designed by your particular embroidery machine manufacturer.
Orchida Embroidery System icon
Orchida Embroidery System icon
size: 128px x 128px (.png with transparency)
Orchida Embroidery System related articles:
Create embroidery from photo or picture - Embroidery digitizing function.
Orchida Embroidery System works with the following file extensions:
Note: You can click on any file extension link from the list below, to view its detailed information. The list of extensions used or otherwise associated with the application may not be complete, because many common file extensions on our website, such as jpg (pictures) or txt (text files), can be opened by a large number of applications, or are too general file format. However most, if not all directly associated file extensions should be listed with its appropriate program. Although its likely, that some file extensions may be missing from the list of associated file extensions with the application, yet they can be opened, be part of, or otherwise be associated with the program.
Orchida Embroidery System default file extension associations
Other file extensions associated with Orchida Embroidery System
Comparison table of actions that Orchida Embroidery System can perform with each of its associated file type beta
This table might not contain all possible associated or supported file types or may contain incorrect data.
If you need more information please contact the developers of Orchida Embroidery System (Orchida Soft), or check out their product website.
File type \ Action | Open | Save | Edit | View | Play | Convert | Create | Record | Import | Export | Burn | Extract | Recover | Backup | Settings | Other | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Yes | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Yes | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | Yes | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Yes | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | - | Yes | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Yes | - | Yes | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | - | Yes | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Yes | |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Yes |