A pkg_ file extension is associated with the Apple Newton and other devices that use Newton OS. A pkg_ file contains data package.
PKG_ file extension - Apple Newton package
What is pkg_ file? How to open pkg_ files?
The pkg_ file extension is related with Apple Newton platform. The Newton platform was an early personal digital assistant hardware/software platform developed by Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.).
Development was started in 1989 and officially ended on February 27, 1998. Some electronic engineering and the manufacture of Apple's Newton devices was done in Japan by the Sharp Corporation.
Most Newton devices were based on the ARM 610 RISC processor and all featured handwriting recognition software. Most Newton devices were developed and marketed by Apple, but other companies, notably Sharp, Motorola, and Digital Ocean, also released devices that ran the Newton OS. None were as successful as Apple's devices.
PKG_ file extension was an uncommon file extension for Apple Newton package, common file extension was PKG and now Apple is using the PKG file extension for MAC OS X (macOS) installation packages.
This pkg_ file type entry was marked as obsolete and no longer supported file format.
This type of file is no longer actively used and is most likely obsolete. This is typically the case for system files in old operating systems, file types from long discontinued software, or previous versions of certain file types (like documents, projects etc.) that were replaced in higher versions of their original programs.