Files with rez extension are commonly found in computer game based on the Lithtech Game Engine from Monolith Productions. Standard game archive which can be extracted using Dragon UnPACKer.
There are 3 other file types using
the REZ file extension!
.rez - Escape Velocity Nova plugin
.rez - Resume Divider data
.rez - FirstClass resource
Software that open rez file
REZ file extension - LithTech game engine resource data
What is rez file? How to open rez files?
File extension rez is associated with LithTech Game Engine.
The rez files contain package files that contain various game data such as music, textures, sounds, models, meshes, maps, etc.
Lithtech is a game engine which was initially developed by Monolith Productions in collaboration with Microsoft.
These are standard game archives that can be unpacked using Dragon UnPACKer.
Updated: July 11, 2024
The default software associated to open rez file:
Company or developer:
Monolith Productions, Inc.
No One Lives Forever 2 is 3D action first person shooter based on James Bond: No One Lives Forever story. British UNITY operative Cate Archer must investigate a super-secret Soviet project that, if successful, could bring about a third world war.
Company or developer:
Monolith Productions, Inc.
Sanity: Aiken's Artifact is action computer game for Microsoft Windows developed by Monolith and released in 2000. Players assume the role of Agent Cain, a powerful Psionic working for an elite government agency. As Cain you strive for mastery of innate psychic "Talents" such as the ability to shoot fireballs or the power to summon hideous creatures.
Company or developer:
Monolith Productions, Inc.
Shogo is 3D action shooter computer game for Microsoft Windows. Shogo casts you in the role of Sanjuro Makabe, a Mobile Combat Armor pilot and Commander in the UCA Security Force. Control ultra-powerful mecha that run, jump, duck, strafe, swim and stomp on enemy personnel.
Company or developer:
Monolith Productions, Inc.
Tron 2.0 is sci-fi first person shooter computer game. Tron 2.0 is the present-day sequel to the 1982 cult film classic that was a landmark of computerized graphical ingenuity. Your mission is to prevent the sinister conspiracy that threatens to corrupt one reality and forever transform another.
Company or developer:
Monolith Productions, Inc.
Aliens versus Predator 2 is a science fiction first-person shooter computer game developed by Monolith Productions released in 2001.
Company or developer:
Monolith Productions, Inc.
No One Lives Forever is 3D action adventure computer game for Microsoft Windows and Sony Playstation video gaming console. No One Lives Forever ups the ante with 1960's-influenced spy action with killer weapons, vivid international locates, and deadly arch villains.
Company or developer:
Monolith Productions, Inc.
Blood 2: The Chosen is a first-person shooter computer game developed by Monolith Productions and released by GT Interactive in 1998.
List of software applications associated to the .rez file extension
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open rez file, edit rez file, convert rez file, view rez file, play rez file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).
Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting rez files.
Software that open rez file - LithTech game engine resource data
Programs supporting the exension rez on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open rez file action.