Files with veg extension is related to the MAGIX Vegas Pro (Sonic Foundry Vegas or Sony Vegas) and used for its video project files.

There is one other file type using
the VEG file extension!

empty icon.veg - Vue vegetation data

Detailed description

Software that open veg file

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VEG file extension - MAGIX Vegas Pro video project

What is veg file? How to open veg files?

File type specification:

Digital video and movie file type icon Digital video and movie file type

File extension veg is related to MAGIX Vegas Pro (also known as Sony Vegas) a video editing software.

A .veg file contains video project created in Sony Vegas that includes settings, effects, references to video files, timeline, text content, etc.

Older versions was developed by Sonic Foundry, and Sonic Foundry was later acquired by Sony.

The default software associated to open veg file:

Vegas Pro icon

MAGIX AG logoVegas Pro  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:

Vegas Pro is a set of professional tools for broadcast production developed and marketed by Sony. These tools lets users edit and process DV, AVCHD, HDV, SD/HD-SDI, and all XDCAM formats in real time, fine-tune audio with precision, and author surround sound, dual-layer DVDs.

Help how to open:

Use Sony Vegas *.veg video project files.

How to convert:

Sony Vegas is able to transform its *.veg projects to other video project formats (AAF, PRPROJ, FCPXML) and export it to various digital video files.

Find conversions from veg file:

veg to aaf

veg to mov

veg to mp4

veg to prproj

veg to sfvidcap

veg to wmv

Find converter to veg file type:

aaf to veg

mp4 to veg

prproj to veg

vf to veg

File identification strings:

HEX code: 72 69 66 66
ASCII code: riff

List of software applications associated to the .veg file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open veg file, edit veg file, convert veg file, view veg file, play veg file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting veg files.

Software that open veg file - MAGIX Vegas Pro video project

Programs supporting the exension veg on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about Vegas Pro for open veg file action.

Microsoft Windows:

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