A wbmp file extension is related to the Wireless Bitmap image file format used by wireless communication devices (WAP compatible cell phones).

Detailed description

Software that open wbmp file

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WBMP file extension - Wireless Bitmap image

What is wbmp file? How to open wbmp files?

File type specification:

Bitmap image file type icon Bitmap image file type

wbmp file icon: wbmp filetype icon

The wbmp file extension is used for for the Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap Format.

WBMP is designed for use with applications that operate over wireless communication networks. The WBMP format is commonly used in mobile phones (WAP phones) and enables graphical information to be sent to the handset.

The pictures in the WBMP file format are saved in bit format. That is every pixel of an picture is saved as 1 bit. Thus a 8 x 8 pixel image will require only 64 bits (8 bytes). The limitation of this format is that it can only save images in Black and White only (no support for color or gray scale).

MIME types:

Updated: January 3, 2025

The default software associated to open wbmp file:

XnView MP icon

Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet logoXnView MP  Multiplatform software

Company or developer:
Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet

A free (for non-commercial purposes) powerful cross-platform media browser, viewer and converter. Compatible with more than 500 formats and also supports export to 70 different file formats. It works on Windows, Linux and macOS (OS X).

Help how to open:

To open/view/edit *.wbmp files use Adobe Fireworks, or Adobe Photoshop.

How to convert:

To save WBMP format to another image format use Adobe Photoshop.

Find conversions from wbmp file:

wbmp to 8bps

wbmp to abr

wbmp to bmp

wbmp to jpeg

wbmp to jpg

wbmp to png

Find converter to wbmp file type:

fxg to wbmp

jpg to wbmp

nef to wbmp

png to wbmp

raw to wbmp

tga to wbmp

vda to wbmp

List of software applications associated to the .wbmp file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open wbmp file, edit wbmp file, convert wbmp file, view wbmp file, play wbmp file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting wbmp files.

Software that open wbmp file - Wireless Bitmap image

Programs supporting the exension wbmp on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open wbmp file action.

Microsoft Windows:

Adobe Photoshop small icon Adobe Photoshop
PMView Pro
Adobe Fireworks small icon Adobe Fireworks (obsolete/discontinued)

Apple macOS / Mac OS X:

Adobe Fireworks for Mac small icon Adobe Fireworks for Mac (obsolete/discontinued)


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