What is the best converter used for converting dat format to xlxs file format.
In broad sense, dat to xlsx conversion represents any import of 'data' files to Excel, but in most cases this is done with a particular data source, either file, or connection to remote database.
Now if your data file has generic .dat extension, it might be binary and thus Excel won't be able to import it no matter what. If your .dat files are in just renamed standard format, you can try to use the import wizard to read the source. You will have to specify in which manner the data should be structured into cells or what kind of separator is used.
Other than that, we do not know about any common way how to convert dat to xlsx, or what kind of software uses DAT files that are regularly imported to Excel.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open dat file, Open xlxs file
Files with dat file extension are commonly found in a variety of applications and in most cased used to identify files that contain application data resources or similar data.
Files with dat extension can also be found as special wallet.dat files for BitCoin service. Contains a collection of private keys.
A dat file extension is related to various computer games. A dat file stores game data resources.
Files with dat extension could be especially in the past found as videos saved in MPEG-1 format..
Files with dat file extension were also used in some of the previous versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer for temporary caches.
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