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Conversion of asc file format to excel file format beta

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Possible software with support for converting of asc files to excel file format.

asci to excel conversion probably covers various imports of ASCII text data to Excel, often variants content from CSV or XML format that are saved in ASCII format instead.

When you manually import data to Excel, you can define how the data should be read and saved in cells and that's probably best way to parse the files.

It is unlikely you will find some kind of asc to excel converter just for this, but you can find websites that offer various text parsing and option to save the data to different formats, many of which can be easily import to Excel, such as CSV.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open asc file, Open excel file


Files with asc extension can be usually found as ASCII 3D export from several 3D modeling tools from Autodesk. It's earlier interchange solution, but nowadays replaced by XML based formats.

Files with asc extension typically contain text data in ASCII format. Editable in any text editor. ASCII means American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Files with asc extension may be also found as circuit schematic files designed and saved using the LTspice.

Files with asc file extension can be also found as digital signatures for the Pretty Good Privacy data encryption tool.

Files with asc file extension can be also found as scripts written in Adobe Flash ActionScript. Used to control login 


Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are typically saved in XLS or XLSX formats.


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