Find a software converter able to convert bak files to sql files.
bak to sql conversion is most likely related to attempts to recover some database backups back to SQL format. Such database recovery is most likely possible with SQL software that features back files, but its not conversion per se, just database recovery.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open bak file, Open sql file
Files with bak extension can be most often find as one of the many backup files generated by numerous programs, usually by the means of renaming the original extension to bak.
Files with bak file extension may also be found as drawing backups created automatically in Autodesk AutoCAD, a CAD solution for Apple Mac and Windows.
A bak file extension is related to the RE-TOS and used for its backup files.
A bak file extension is related to the Finale, a music notation software. A bak file stores backup.
A bak file extension is related to the Mozilla Firefox web browser. A bak file stores bookmarks backup.
Files with sql extension are used for SQL (Structured Query Language) data files. These are used to exchange or export/import data from relational SQL databases, contains various SQL instructions etc. It is a text file, but only useful together with various sql database servers and sql management software.
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