We have found 4 software records in our database eligible for .csv to .sql file format conversion.
Users searching how to convert csv to sql are most likely looking for options how to migrate data or whole databases to SQL, which is certainly possible. Many tools offer data export to CSV format which can be imported to pretty much every database tool.
You can find hundreds of articles and guides about database migration all over the Internet and even YouTube contains many videos about this subject, so it might be worth checking out if you are looking for something very specific when it comes to csv to sql conversion.
Files with csv extension are text data files in common Comma Separated Value file format. Simple text file with values divided by comma, often used as an import/export format.
Files with sql extension are used for SQL (Structured Query Language) data files. These are used to exchange or export/import data from relational SQL databases, contains various SQL instructions etc. It is a text file, but only useful together with various sql database servers and sql management software.