We have found one software suitable in our database for this conversion.
In most cases epub to wma conversion is really just an attempt to convert digital book to audio book through the conversion of ePUB ebooks to Windows Media Audio.
The most reliably way to do this, would be to use some text-to-speech converter, such as Balabolka, that will generate audio file (.wma) from text source (.epub). Usually uses the voices provided by Microsoft, but some programs have their own unique ones.
The file extension epub is used by e-books in Open Publication structure eBook format. Since 2007, the EPUB format has been regarded as an international standard. It is generally used for text-centric books or other publications.
Files with wma extension are audio files in Advanced Systems Format (advanced Streaming Format, Active Streaming Format), which is multimedia container format sed to store multimedia data. A wma file stores audio in Advanced Systems Format container and compressed by Windows Media Audio (WMA) codec.