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Conversion of exe file format to mp4 file format beta

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Most .exe files are actually not videos, but program executables, which means that exe to mp4 conversion is not possible in vast majority of cases. However, sometimes an .exe file may indeed contain video, typically Flash.

This conversion (or any other similar exe to video conversion) is mainly sought by users that try to convert back exported self-playing Flash videos (for example ones created using Flash Projector) back to the original source video, in this case .exe to .mp4.

The process usually follows the pattern of recovering SWF video (.swf) from the executable (.exe) via one of the many available SWF tools (check out exe to swf conversion entry) and conversion of the said .swf file to any of the desired video formats, in this particular case using swf to mp4  converters.

Last option would be to use some screen recording tool (like Camtasia), open and play the .exe file (with the video) and capture it again to actual video file. Not perfect, but at least doable. The resulting quality may not be the same as the original though.

You should always be wary when working with unknown .exe files, lest you infest your computer with a Trojan or some other malicious code so always check suspicious .exe file with your anti-virus software.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open exe file, Open mp4 file


Files with exe extension are best known as main program executable files since the times of MS-DOS. It was adopted for executables in Windows as well. Executables are files that launch programs.

Files with exe extension can also be found as special self-extracting compress archives. They are basically archives with a small executable program added so the end-user does not require any software to decompress it. Can be password protected.

Files with exe extension might also be slide shows exported from Canvas X software. Standalone, self-running app that contains the slideshow.


An mp4 file extension is typically used for MPEG-4 multimedia files defined by ISO 14496-1 standard. Commonly used for video and movie files and supported by vast number of media players.


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