We have found 2 software records in our database eligible for .fla to .svg file format conversion.
fla to svg conversion is often searched in context of recovery of vector elements from old Flash files. Various guides and tutorials point to Adobe Animate being the software that is capable of this, since it can open .fla files.
With the use of File ► Publish Settings and making sure that only 'SVG' option is selected, you can export the content as .svg file in the same location as the .fla file.
Multimedia platform for Mac used to add animation, video, and interactivity to web pages
Files with fla extension is used for editable Flash animations, apps, movies etc. Usually used before the flash project is finalized during its development. Can be opened in Adobe Flash.
File extension svg is associated with the vector graphics format based on XML markup language. An svg vector file is stored in simple text format with XML tags. It is an open standard developed by World Wide Wide Consortium.