Check out some options how pds files might be converted to cdr format.
Unfortunately, We do not know about any possible pds to cdr conversion at this, although some may have been possible in the past (PrintShop Pro). However, in most cases users are actually looking for a psd to cdr conversion, i.e. conversion of Adobe Photoshop graphics (PSD format) to CorelDraw (CDR format).
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open pds file, Open cdr file
Files with pds extension is related to the Cyberlink PowerDirector video editing software. A pds file contains video project.
Files with pds suffix is also related to Borderbund Print Shop home and used for its default graphic format.
Files with pds extension may be also found as part of IncrediMail e-mail client software.
Files with pds extension can be quite often encountered as NASA pictures in Planetary Data System file format.
Files with pds file extension are associated with PALASM, hardware description language. They store source code data.
Files with cdr file extension are graphics files saved in a unique, proprietary format from CorelDRAW. It is used for artworks, rich documents, or even simple logos.
A cdr file extension is related to the RAW CD-format audio format.
Files with cdr file extension may also be found as CD/DVD master images created using the Apple Final Cut Pro software.
A cdr file extension is related to the Bosch Crash Data Retrieval data format.
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