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Conversion of key file format to pptx file format beta

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Convert iWork Keynote '09 presentation to Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML presentation.

We have found 2 software records in our database eligible for .key to .pptx file format conversion.

A key to pptx conversion is related to attempts of conversion between older iWork Keynote presentations (.key) and MS PowerPoint presentation formats (.pptx for example). This may be a little problematic to achieve as not many programs support iWorks formats.

Nevertheless, your best option to successfully export key to ppt (except for Keynote itself), is to try the LibreOffice productivity suite as it should support at least some versions of older iWorks formats.

Articles and other information relating to key into pptx conversion:

How to open and convert Keynote presentations online using iWork for iCloud - Using iWork for iCloud for making new and conversion of old Apple documents

Apple macOS / Mac OS X software Apple macOS / Mac OS X icon - convert key to pptx on macOS

Keynote for Mac icon Keynote for Mac

The most popular presentation software for Mac

File extension









Convert from key file

NoYesYeskey editorYesNoNoNo

to pptx file

Yes, Keynote for Mac supports pptx file conversion as a target file type.YesYespptx editorYesNoNoNo

The tables with software actions are a good pointer for what a certain program does with various file types and often may give users a good hint how to perform certain file conversion, for example the above-mentioned key to pptx. However, it is not perfect and sometimes can show results which are not really usable because of how certain programs work with files and the possible conversion is thus actually not possible at all.

Multiplatform software Multiplatform icon - convert key to pptx on any platform

LibreOffice Impress icon LibreOffice Impress

Powerful multimedia presentation software tool from LibreOffice suite

File extension














Additional links: Open key file, Open pptx file


Files with key extension can be often found as presentations saved in latest versions of Apple (iWork) Keynote, a professional presentation tool for Mac OS X, macOS and iOS.


Files with pptx extension are presentations from modern version of PowerPoint from Microsoft Office / Office 365. PowerPoint slide shows are basically set of screens which can include text, graphic, sounds or videos used for various presentation purposes.


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