What is the best converter used for converting text format to srt file format.
You can generally import text files to subtitle generating programs and save them in one of the most common subtitle format - SubRip (.srt). Some simple editing changes (like typos) can also be fixed by using any text editor, but text to srt conversion should be pretty straightforward process.
Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.
Additional links: Open text file, Open srt file
Files with text extension are commonly used for various text files that can be read with any text editor.
Files with text extension is used by Markdown markup language.
A text file extension is associated with the yBook and used for its text files.
A gdl file extension is related to the ArchiCAD, a CAD solution and used for its Geometric Description Language.
Files with srt extension are in most cases movie subtitles. A srt files are simple text files that contain specially format text entries with time stamps. If present in the same folder as the video file, subtitles are usually automatically loaded in media player with the video. SRT subtitles are supported by all almost video players.
Files with srt suffix can be also found as data files from star charting software called Skymap.
Files with srt file extension can also be found as another of the video subtitle formats - WebSRT. It is a successor to the venerable and still highly popular SubRip subtitle format that shares same extension.
An srt file extension is related to Siemens C60 mobile phone. An srt file stores sound.
An srt file extension is related to Omron CX-Supervisor software.
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