Files with tif file extension are generally bitmap images in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). TIFF/IT is a standard for the exchange of digital adverts and complete pages. TIFF files typically only contain bitmap and no vector data.

There is one other file type using
the TIF file extension!

empty icon.tif - Andor Bio-Imaging Division (ABD) TIFF image

Detailed description

Software that open tif file

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TIF file extension - Aldus Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap image

What is tif file? How to open tif files?

File type specification:

Bitmap image file type icon Bitmap image file type

tif file icon: tif filetype icon

The tif file extension is traditionally used for Tagged Image File Format - one of the most widely supported lossless (does not lose information during compression) file formats for storing bit-mapped images (both PCs and Macintosh computers).

TIFF/IT is a standard for the exchange of digital adverts and complete pages. The .tif files only contain bitmap data, no vector data. They are not rasterized (although they could be) but may also contain 256 gray-levels per channel.

Typically, TIFF images larger than 4GB are called BigTIFF and use the same tif file extension.

The tif file extension is also used for Digital Raster Graphic image file - A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information.

TIFF format is also used by GeoTiff format for GDAL - A geographic format, basically 2D with height optionally. Focuses on system transformations and projections

The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map. The map is scanned at a minimum resolution of 250 dots per inch.

MIME types used:

  • image/tif
  • image/x-tif
  • image/tiff
  • image/x-tiff
  • application/tif
  • application/x-tif
  • application/tiff
  • application/x-tiff

Updated: January 5, 2025

The default software associated to open tif file:

Multi-Page TIFF Editor picture or screenshot

Multi-Page TIFF Editor  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:

Multi-Page TIFF Editor is a software dedicated to handling, editing, viewing or converting of TIFF files.

ACDSee Photo Manager icon

ACD Systems International Inc. logoACDSee Photo Manager  Microsoft Windows software
(obsolete software)

Company or developer:
ACD Systems International Inc.

ACDSee Photo Manager is popular photo editor and manager for Microsoft Windows. ACDSee is able to open variety of graphics file formats as well as RAW photo image formats and convert them. ACDSee can edit, retouch and finalize photos and share them on popular photo banks such as flickr, Smugmug, SendPix.

ACDSee is used to organize and edit digital photos. ACDSee supports over 100 popular formats including BMP, GIF, IFF, JPG, PCX, PNG, PSD, RAS, RSB, SGI, TGA and TIFF.

Adobe Illustrator for Mac icon

Adobe Systems Incorporated logoAdobe Illustrator for Mac  Apple macOS / Mac OS X software

Company or developer:
Adobe Systems Incorporated

Mac version of Adobe Illustrator, a vector graphics editor that is part of some editions of Adobe Creative Suite and Creative Cloud. The newest member of Illustrator family is the CC version available in Creative Cloud bundle. 

XnView MP icon

Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet logoXnView MP  Multiplatform software

Company or developer:
Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet

A free (for non-commercial purposes) powerful cross-platform media browser, viewer and converter. Compatible with more than 500 formats and also supports export to 70 different file formats. It works on Windows, Linux and macOS (OS X).

Related articles:

How to import photos and videos from PC to Instagram

How to get text from image

Convert and resize large number of digital pictures on Mac

Convert and resize large number of pictures

Help how to open:

Most current graphic editors support the TIF format and are able to open it.

How to convert:

Editors that can open *.tif files can usually also save them to another file format.

Find conversions from tif file:

tif to cdr

tif to csv

tif to ecw

tif to icon

tif to pdf

tif to pes

tif to ttf

Find converter to tif file type:

adf to tif

bil to tif

fff to tif

jpg to tif

rtl to tif

sid to tif

tiff to tif

File identification strings:

HEX code: 4D 4D 00 2A
ASCII code: MM.*

List of software applications associated to the .tif file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open tif file, edit tif file, convert tif file, view tif file, play tif file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting tif files.

Software that open tif file - Aldus Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap image

Programs supporting the exension tif on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open tif file action.


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